Door Seal

A bottom door seal, also known as a door sweep, is a crucial component for sealing the gap between the bottom of the door and the threshold or floor. Its primary purpose is to prevent drafts, dust, insects, moisture, and sound from entering or exiting a room, contributing to improved energy efficiency, climate control, and overall comfort within a building.

Door Seal

A restricted keyway cylinder is a type of lock mechanism that offers enhanced security and key control. The keyway refers to the specific shape and design of the keyhole, and a restricted keyway means that the key blanks and corresponding locks are only available through authorized channels. This limits the distribution of key blanks and prevents unauthorized duplication of keys.

The restricted keyway system is achieved through the use of proprietary key blanks and special manufacturing processes that ensure keys can only be reproduced by authorized locksmiths or security professionals. This helps in preventing unauthorized key duplication and provides a higher level of security for homes, businesses, and other facilities.

These cylinders are often used in commercial and high-security applications where key control and restricted access are critical. Additionally, they offer the flexibility to create master key systems, allowing different levels of access for different individuals or groups while maintaining overall control of key distribution.

In summary, a restricted keyway cylinder provides increased security and key control by utilizing unique key blanks and restricting key duplication to authorized personnel, making it an effective choice for safeguarding valuable assets and maintaining controlled access to secure areas.

Expose door seal
Conceal Door Seal
Conceal Door Seal