Die Cast Decorative Door Pull Handle

Model MBPH181 Category

In the grand foyer of an opulent mansion, there hangs a decorative gold door pull handle known as Aurelia Exquisite. Crafted with meticulous detail and a touch of elegance, this door handle exudes luxury and sophistication at first glance.


Aurelia Exquisite…

In the grand foyer of an opulent mansion, there hangs a decorative gold door pull handle known as Aurelia Exquisite. Crafted with meticulous detail and a touch of elegance, this door handle exudes luxury and sophistication at first glance.

Aurelia Exquisite is a testament to the mastery of artisanal craftsmanship, with intricate patterns of delicate filigree adorning its sleek form. The golden hue of the handle catches the light just right, casting a warm, inviting glow upon all who approach. The handle is designed to be both functional and ornamental, serving as a statement piece that elevates the entire doorway.

As your hand reaches out to grasp, Aurelia Exquisite, you can feel the smooth, cool metal beneath your fingertips. The weight of the handle gives a reassuring sense of sturdiness, a promise of security and refinement. With a gentle pull, the door open effortlessly, revealing the secrets that lie beyond.



Door Pull Handle For Main Door


SW (Taiwan)






Aurelia Exquisite


1000mm, 1200mm, 1500mm, 1800mm, 800mm